
The three star Hotel Holiday Park is an elegant hotel located in the business district of Warsaw Bielany, on the international E7 route towards Gdansk, next to the Maria Sklodowska-Curie bridge. The hotel's location (just an 8-minute drive to the Old Town and the Royal Palace) makes it easy and quick to get to the main areas of Warsaw. The hotel is a 20-minute drive from the Frederic Chopin and Modlin Airport. The hotel offers 82 stylish and elegant rooms with free internet access. Each room is equipped with a 32 "plasma TV with satellite channels. Additionally, we offer the opportunity to take advantage of the bicycle rental, laundry and dry cleaning services. For companies that wish to organize a training or conference, we offer the opportunity to benefit from the twelve well-equipped, spacious and air-conditioned rooms, which guarantee the success of any business event. Holiday Park Hotel is the perfect place for weddings, organizing special events, anniversaries or elegant banquets. Those with a passion for fine cuisine, the stylish and elegant restaurant serves Polish and international cuisine, which is based on local, organic foods. The Lobby Bar which is located in the reception area offers guests delicious drinks and beverages and time well spent drinking aromatic tea or coffee. We would be pleased to prepare for you an individual offer tailored to your needs and possibilities, we can also arrange a shuttle or sightseeing. We sincerely welcome you to the Hotel of the Stars - because that is what our facility is called. (We've been privelidged to have Fun Factory, Modern Talking, Francesco Napoli, Mr. President and many others as our guests)

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